SUMMARY OF Supreme Court Judgment

Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 270 of 1988
Decided On: 28.08.1989
Pt. Parmanand Katara
Union of India (UOI) and Ors.

Para 7:
There can be no second opinion that preservation of human life is of paramount importance. That is so on account of the fact that once life is lost, the status quo ante cannot be restored as resurrection is beyond the capacity of man.

Para 9:
We are of the view that every doctor wherever he be within the territory of India should forthwith be aware of this position and, therefore, we direct that this decision of ours shall be published in all journals reporting decisions of this Court and adequate publicity highlighting these aspects should be given by the national media as also through the Doordarshan and the All India Radio....... The Medical Council of India shall forward copies of this judgment to every medical college affiliated to it. Copies of the judgment shall be forwarded to every State Government with a direction that wide publicity should be given about the relevant aspects so that every practicing doctor would soon become aware of the position.

Para 16:
We therefore ......we hope and trust that with this expectation from the members of the medical profession, the police, the members of the legal profession, our law courts and everyone concerned will also keep in mind that a man in the medical profession should not be unnecessarily harassed for purposes of interrogation or for any other formalities and should not be dragged during investigations at the police station and it should be avoided as far as possible.

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